Delivery & Returns


All products are delivered as digital downloads. After checkout, you will be shown a page with the download links.

You will also be emailed the download links to the email address that you used for the purchase.

Emails are sent automatically upon checkout. You should receive them within 5 minutes of placing your order. If you do not receive an email with your order information, please check your spam/junk box in case it has gone there. If not, email so that we can assist.

Products are delivered as zip folders. You will need to unzip (also called "extract") the folders before you can use the files with your digital cutting machine.


Refund policy

Our website software (Shopify) implements tracking on all digital downloads so that we can see if the products in your order have been downloaded.

If a product has been downloaded then no refunds will be given, due to the digital nature of the items.

If we can see that you have not downloaded the product then you may request a full refund within 30 days of the purchase date.

The only exception to this is that if you have accidentally purchased the same design on multiple orders, we are happy to refund the duplicate purchase or provide store credit for the amount, providing that you request the refund within 30 days of your purchase date.


Please direct all queries regarding our delivery or refund policies to